Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I am walking down the street, with the sun setting behind me. My pace is slow, I walk with a purpose but it is not apparent to me, as if I was watching myself from above. I am really drifting between the various moods that a certain album inspires. Then for some reason I think about consumption, and my appetite for everything; and I think about how I get obsessive over things and have to consume them. Not food, more like media and information, there is no such thing as too much information in my mind, there is always one more article I just have to read, one more profile to absorb, one more page to turn, one last paragraph to finish, one more episode, one more highlight reel, one more listen…and it does not stop
“I can't get no satisfaction“

So I fear as to what am I becoming, a consumer with a never-ending appetite that just wants to swallow everything and absorbs nothing. Is my soul empty and hollow? Am I just a product of greedy western consumer culture that takes all it can, regardless of necessity? Or do basic survival instincts take over and demand that I consume it all before it, or I disappear.